Monday, October 30, 2017

1967: a song about Ottawa/ 1967: un chanson d'Ottawa

World Bardo 1: YouTube link:

The Need Tree:

This piece is an excerpt from a piece entitled World Bardo (link right above). These pieces in turn merge with longer projects I've been working on for a long time. The first is a feature-length authorial movie entitled The World He Left Behind. It's a long-form experiment I made about childhood with my brother, and his later life and death. The second is a quite varied, and has a variety of suites, such as the LoveWind, ChantWalk, PeaceCulture, and, now, WorldBardo series. What all have in common is an interest in video as meditation via a mix of found-sound and music. 

All this in turn is connected to is the essay/videos about my brother and his drinking that Poetry Film Live was kind enough to publish in its September issue (The Need Tree). And the World He Left Behind links back to The Need Tree, so there's a circularity of connections--which is suppose is metaphorically apt.

Finally, the song 1967 was originally recorded for the feature, The World He Left Behind. The song can be found in SoundCloud. The World He Left is still at a private setting. Am hoping to get the full text published at some point, and to find poetry film festivals that take long-form work. 


World Bardo 1: lien YouTube:

The Need Tree:

Cette pièce est un extrait d'une pièce intitulée World Bardo (lien ci-dessus). Ces pièces fusionnent à leur tour avec des projets plus longs sur lesquels je travaille depuis longtemps. Le premier est une vidéo de long métrage  intitulé The World He Left Behind. C'est une expérience de longue durée que j'ai faite sur l'enfance avec mon frère, et sa vie et sa mort plus tard. La seconde est assez variée, et a une variété de suites, comme les séries LoveWind, ChantWalk, PeaceCulture, et maintenant WorldBardo. Tous ont en commun un intérêt pour la vidéo en tant que méditation via un mélange de sons trouvés et de musique.

Tout cela à son tour est relié à l'essai / vidéos sur mon frère et sa boisson que Poetry Film Live a eu la gentillesse de publier dans son numéro de septembre (The Need Tree). Et le World He Left Behind renvoie à The Need Tree, donc il y a une circularité des connexions - ce qui est supposé être métaphoriquement approprié.

Enfin, la chanson 1967 a été initialement enregistrée pour le long métrage The World He Left Behind. La chanson peut être trouvée dans SoundCloud. The World He Left est toujours dans un cadre privé. J'espère avoir le texte intégral publié à un moment donné, et trouver des festivals de films de poésie qui nécessitent un travail de longue haleine.


Sunday, October 29, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

World Bardo 1

Nous vivons entre mondes

We live between worlds

Friday, October 27, 2017

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Night Work: Last Question of the Evening

 Illustration: Finn Harvor, from "Last Question of the Evening"

(Below is an excerpt and link to a short story about working for low wages in a call centre. The link takes you to the story, and also to an authorial movie I built around it.)

Fade in.
An office comprised of cubicles, all of them lined in rows, as if the aisles of an airplane had been converted into office space. In each cubicle, a worker with a headset.

"They're all liars," a voice through one headset says.

The man conducting the interview, Anders, doesn't reply. He waits for the respondent to answer the question in the survey.

"Eh?" the respondent says, his voice charged with a coercive energy. "Whaddayou think?"

Continued via link:
Danforth Review Link:…/fiction-75-finn-harv…


Pour voir une des videos de cette series: YouTube: Seoulography. YouTube link:

To see one of the videos from this series of images and texts -- YouTube: Seoulography. YouTube link:

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Find peace even in dangerous times.

(New cut of a project that is part video experiment, and part tonal drama.)


Il y a un symbolisme à la musique et un symbolisme des images de cette vidéo.. La première séquence se trouve à Ottawa, près du canal Rideau, où mon frère et moi sommes allés à l'école secondaire. Dans un sens, c'était un endroit idyllique. Mais c'était aussi dangereux. Nous avons trop fait la fête. Mon frère a commencé à boire à ce moment-là.

Viennent ensuite les plans du bâtiment de la Défense nationale. Le Canada a participé à de nombreuses guerres (bien qu'il pense que ce n'est pas guerrier). C'est une question de notre identité nationale que nous n'avons pas encore complètement élucidée.

Viennent ensuite des photos du sentier pédestre près de chez nous. Aussi un endroit agréable. Mais aussi - parce que nous vivons en Corée du Sud - un endroit où le danger est proche, sous la forme d'un conflit armé possible.

Pourtant, la beauté naturelle de la région continue. En boucle, mon frère aurait aimé cette zone s'il avait pu la voir. 

There is a symbolism to the music and imagery of this video. The initial footage is in Ottawa, near the Rideau Canal, where my brother and I went to high school. In a sense, it was an idyllic place. But it was also dangerous. We partied too much. My brother started to drink at this time. 

Next are shots of the National Defence Building. Canada has participated in many wars (although it thinks it is not warlike). This is an issue of our national identity we have not quite worked out.

Next are shots of the walking trail near where we live. Also a nice place. But also -- because we live in South Korea -- a place where danger is nearby, in the form of possible armed conflict. 

Yet the natural beauty of the area continues. Coming full circle, my brother would have liked this area if he had been able to see it.


C'è un simbolismo alla musica e un simbolismo delle immagini in questo video. Il filmato iniziale è a Ottawa, vicino al Canale di Rideau, dove mio fratello e io siamo andati in liceo. In un certo senso, era un luogo idilliaco. Ma era anche pericoloso. Ci siamo partiti troppo. Mio fratello ha cominciato a bere in questo momento.

Quindi sono riprese del Palazzo Nazionale della Difesa. Il Canada ha partecipato a molte guerre (anche se pensa che non sia guerra). Questa è una questione della nostra identità nazionale che non abbiamo abbastanza elaborato.

Quindi sono riprese del percorso a piedi vicino a dove viviamo. Anche un bel posto. Ma anche - perché viviamo in Corea del Sud - un luogo in cui il pericolo è nelle vicinanze, sotto forma di possibili conflitti armati.

Eppure la bellezza naturale della zona continua. Venendo a cerchio pieno, mio fratello avrebbe voluto questa zona se fosse stato in grado di vederlo.

Global Fevering

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Un film du moyen métrage qui function comme un exercice de méditation

A medium length movie that's also a meditative exercise

YouTube link:

Filmée en Corée de Sud/ filmed in South Korea

L'amour/ le vent - 7

LoveWind 7

Monday, October 16, 2017


LoveWind series.

YouTube links:



More to follow....

평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace

LoveWind series.

YouTube links:



More to follow....

평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace

Global Fevering

Saturday, October 14, 2017

동영상 목록/ Liste des vidéos/ Список видеороликов/ List of videos (Seoulography)

Seoulography series





Friday, October 13, 2017

평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace

LoveWind series.

YouTube links:



More to follow....

평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace