Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Brenda Schmidt on Tim Lilburn

Alex Good on Thomas Frank's The Wrecking Crew, a treatment of conservative hatred of government 

Zviane en Tokyo 

Dan Wagstaff's "Book covers of note, January 2018"

6.15 한국 전쟁의 비극/ La tragédie du pont de la rivière Han/ The Tragedy of the Han River Bridge [part two]

Ένα σύντομο βίντεο που δίνει μια γενική εικόνα ενός από τα πρώτα τραγικά γεγονότα του Κορεατικού πολέμου. Λίγες μέρες μετά την εισβολή του Βορρά, ένα ρεύμα πολιτών έπεφτε στη σύγκρουση από την πόλη της Σεούλ. Σε εκείνο το σημείο, σχεδόν όλη η πόλη βρισκόταν βόρεια του ποταμού Han. Υπήρχε ένα βιομηχανικό τμήμα στο Youngdongpo και συνδέθηκε με την πόλη με μια γέφυρα. Αυτή η γέφυρα ονομάστηκε γέφυρα του ποταμού Han. Όμως, καθώς οι πολίτες διέσχιζαν τη γέφυρα, δόθηκε εντολή από τους στρατιωτικούς να εκραγούν. Και έτσι, με εκατοντάδες ανθρώπους ακόμα στη γέφυρα, πυροδοτήθηκε. 

한국 전쟁 초반에 일어난 비극적 사건 중 하나에 대한 개요를 보여주는 간단한 비디오. 북한이 침공 한 지 며칠 후 민간인이 서울시에서 분쟁을 피해 달아났다. 그 시점에서 거의 모든 도시는 한강 북쪽에 위치해있었습니다. 영동포에는 산업화 구역이 있었고 다리로 도시와 연결되었습니다.이 다리를 한강 다리라고합니다. 그러나 민간 난민들이 다리를 건너고있을 때, 폭파 명령이 내려졌습니다. 그리고 여전히 수백명의 사람들이 교량에 파묻혀 폭발했습니다.

Краткое видео, которое дает обзор одного из ранних трагических событий в Корейской войне. Через несколько дней после вторжения в Северный Кавказ из Сеула скрылся поток мирных жителей. В этот момент почти весь город был расположен к северу от реки Хан. Был промышленно развитый участок в Youngdongpo, и он был связан с городом мостом: мостом реки Хан, но он был взорван.

Un breve video che offre una panoramica di uno dei tragici eventi all'inizio della Guerra di Corea. Pochi giorni dopo l'invasione del Nord, un flusso di civili fuggì dal conflitto dalla città di Seoul. A quel punto, quasi tutta la città si trovava a nord del fiume Han. C'era una sezione industrializzata a Youngdongpo, ed era collegata alla città da un ponte, chiamato ponte sul fiume Han. Ma mentre i profughi civili stavano attraversando il ponte, l'ordine è stato dato dall'esercito per farlo saltare in aria. E così, con centinaia di persone ancora sul ponte, è stato fatto detonare.

Une courte vidéo qui donne un aperçu de l'un des événements tragiques au début de la guerre de Corée. Quelques jours après l'invasion du Nord, un flot de civils fuyait le conflit de la ville de Séoul. À ce moment-là, presque toute la ville était située au nord de la rivière Han. Il y avait une section industrialisée à Youngdongpo, et elle était reliée à la ville par un pont appelé pont de la rivière Han. Mais alors que les réfugiés civils traversaient le pont, l'ordre a été donné par l'armée de le faire exploser. Et ainsi, avec des centaines de personnes encore sur le pont, il a explosé.

 A brief video that gives an overview of one of the tragic events early in the Korean War. A few days after the North invaded, a stream of civilians were fleeing the conflict from the city of Seoul. At that point, almost all the city was located north of the Han River. There was an industrialized section at Youngdongpo, and it was linked to the city by a bridge.This bridge was called the Han River bridge. But as the civilian refugees were crossing the bridge, an order was given to blow it up. And so, with hundreds of people still on the bridge, it was detonated.

6.15 한국 전쟁의 비극/ La tragédie du pont de la rivière Han/ The Tragedy of the Han River Bridge

Ένα σύντομο βίντεο που δίνει μια γενική εικόνα ενός από τα πρώτα τραγικά γεγονότα του Κορεατικού πολέμου. Λίγες μέρες μετά την εισβολή του Βορρά, ένα ρεύμα πολιτών έπεφτε στη σύγκρουση από την πόλη της Σεούλ. Σε εκείνο το σημείο, σχεδόν όλη η πόλη βρισκόταν βόρεια του ποταμού Han. Υπήρχε ένα βιομηχανικό τμήμα στο Youngdongpo και συνδέθηκε με την πόλη με μια γέφυρα. Αυτή η γέφυρα ονομάστηκε γέφυρα του ποταμού Han. Όμως, καθώς οι πολίτες διέσχιζαν τη γέφυρα, δόθηκε εντολή από τους στρατιωτικούς να εκραγούν. Και έτσι, με εκατοντάδες ανθρώπους ακόμα στη γέφυρα, πυροδοτήθηκε. 

한국 전쟁 초반에 일어난 비극적 사건 중 하나에 대한 개요를 보여주는 간단한 비디오. 북한이 침공 한 지 며칠 후 민간인이 서울시에서 분쟁을 피해 달아났다. 그 시점에서 거의 모든 도시는 한강 북쪽에 위치해있었습니다. 영동포에는 산업화 구역이 있었고 다리로 도시와 연결되었습니다.이 다리를 한강 다리라고합니다. 그러나 민간 난민들이 다리를 건너고있을 때, 폭파 명령이 내려졌습니다. 그리고 여전히 수백명의 사람들이 교량에 파묻혀 폭발했습니다.

Краткое видео, которое дает обзор одного из ранних трагических событий в Корейской войне. Через несколько дней после вторжения в Северный Кавказ из Сеула скрылся поток мирных жителей. В этот момент почти весь город был расположен к северу от реки Хан. Был промышленно развитый участок в Youngdongpo, и он был связан с городом мостом: мостом реки Хан, но он был взорван.

Un breve video che offre una panoramica di uno dei tragici eventi all'inizio della Guerra di Corea. Pochi giorni dopo l'invasione del Nord, un flusso di civili fuggì dal conflitto dalla città di Seoul. A quel punto, quasi tutta la città si trovava a nord del fiume Han. C'era una sezione industrializzata a Youngdongpo, ed era collegata alla città da un ponte, chiamato ponte sul fiume Han. Ma mentre i profughi civili stavano attraversando il ponte, l'ordine è stato dato dall'esercito per farlo saltare in aria. E così, con centinaia di persone ancora sul ponte, è stato fatto detonare.

Une courte vidéo qui donne un aperçu de l'un des événements tragiques au début de la guerre de Corée. Quelques jours après l'invasion du Nord, un flot de civils fuyait le conflit de la ville de Séoul. À ce moment-là, presque toute la ville était située au nord de la rivière Han. Il y avait une section industrialisée à Youngdongpo, et elle était reliée à la ville par un pont appelé pont de la rivière Han. Mais alors que les réfugiés civils traversaient le pont, l'ordre a été donné par l'armée de le faire exploser. Et ainsi, avec des centaines de personnes encore sur le pont, il a explosé.

 A brief video that gives an overview of one of the tragic events early in the Korean War. A few days after the North invaded, a stream of civilians were fleeing the conflict from the city of Seoul. At that point, almost all the city was located north of the Han River. There was an industrialized section at Youngdongpo, and it was linked to the city by a bridge.This bridge was called the Han River bridge. But as the civilian refugees were crossing the bridge, an order was given to blow it up. And so, with hundreds of people still on the bridge, it was detonated.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

아테네 국제 비디오시 축제/ Le Festival international de poésie vidéo d'Athènes/ The Athens International Video Poetry Festival

Το Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ ταινία Βίντεο Ποίησης της Αθήνα

아테네 국제 비디오시 축제

Афинский международный фестиваль поэзии

Il Festival Internazionale di Poesia Video di Atene

Le Festival international de poésie vidéo d'Athènes

The Athens International Video Poetry Festival 



Эти фотоснимки взяты из проекта Loveography. Ссылка на видео ниже:

Queste foto sono tratte dal Progetto Loveography. Link al video qui sotto:

Ces photos proviennent du projet Loveography. Lien vers la vidéo ci-dessous:

These still photos are from the Loveography Project. Link to the video below:   

Мисаса/ 미사 사/ Misasa

Sunday, January 28, 2018

밤에는 도쿄/ Tokyo di notte/ Tokyo la nuit/ Tokyo at night

절/ Tempio/ Temple

Sarah Kay: "The Type"

Lucy English: "The Company of Poets"

Minute Haiku


The art of Charles Vincent

Brenda Schmidt: "Happy New Year a Day Late" 

Denis Samson: "Duo (un souvenir)"

빨간 호수/ Lago rosso/ Un lac qui est rouge/ Red Lake

위의 그림은 캐나다 정치가의 그림입니다. 그러나 그것은 전쟁을 용인하는 정책을 가진 지도자가 될 수 있습니다.

Il disegno sopra è un disegno di un politico canadese. Ma potrebbe essere un numero qualsiasi di leader che hanno politiche che condonano la guerra.

Le dessin ci-dessus est un dessin d'un politicien canadien. Mais cela pourrait être n'importe quel nombre de dirigeants qui ont des politiques qui cautionnent la guerre.

The drawing above is a drawing of a Canadian politician. But it could be any number of leaders who have policies that condone war. 


Non ci sono molte poesie sulla geopolitica. Eppure la geopolitica dà forma in grande misura al nostro mondo e quindi alle nostre vite.

Il n'y a pas beaucoup de poèmes sur la géopolitique. Pourtant, la géopolitique façonne dans une très large mesure notre monde, et donc nos vies.

There are not many poems about geopolitics. Yet geopolitics shapes to a very great degree our world, and therefore our lives.

The Ivy Leaguers
Are in their Poe-gothic chambers –
Ravens gone stealth,
Drapes slowly billowing,
While a malignancy of terror
Flutters through hallways and minds.

Beyond les fenêtres
The gloom-concealed fields –
the bogs and the heaths,
The forests and the streets –
Are vast.
Its hard to imagine all,
and harder still to manage it.

But duty remains....


To see the whole piece

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Claudio Ferrari

Un breve video sperimentale.

Une brève vidéo expérimentale.

A brief experimental video. 

Paul walking, thinking

Da uno dei miei romanzi illustrati

D'un de mes romans illustrés

From one of my illustrated novels 

Marco Mascia

Da anni Marco Mascia produce musica ambient elegante. Per ascoltare il suo lavoro, segui questo link o cerca i suoi brani musicali su SoundCloud.

Depuis des années, Marco Mascia produit une musique d'ambiance élégante. Pour écouter son travail, suivez ce lien ou cherchez ses morceaux sur SoundCloud.

 For years now, Marco Mascia has been producing elegant ambient music.To hear his work, either follow this link or look for his music tracks at SoundCloud.

Musician Marco Mascia, SoundCloud link:

Bruno Gussoni/ Guy-Frank Pellerin

Musica improvvisata da AMM Fest 2017

Musique improvisée de l'AMM Fest 2017

Improvised music from the AMM Fest 2017 

ChantWalk IV

Questo video proviene da una serie di video basati su filmati che ho girato in Corea del sud. Alcuni sono stati girati a Seoul, alcuni in un'area semi-rurale di Yongin. Il canto era basato su una serie di canti che ho iniziato diversi anni fa. Sto continuando con entrambi gli aspetti di questo progetto.
Cette vidéo provient d'une série de vidéos basées sur des images tournées en Corée du Sud. Une partie d'elle a été tournée à Séoul, une partie dans une zone semi-rurale de Yongin. Le chant était basé sur une série de chants que j'ai commencé il y a plusieurs années. Je poursuis avec les deux aspects de ce projet.
This video is from a series of videos that are based on footage I shot in South Korea. Some of it was shot in Seoul, some of it in a semi-rural area in Yongin. The singing was based on a series of chants that I started several years ago. I am continuing with both aspects of this project.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

ChantWalk II

Questo video proviene da una serie di video basati su filmati che ho girato in Corea del sud. Alcuni sono stati girati a Seoul, alcuni in un'area semi-rurale di Yongin. Il canto era basato su una serie di canti che ho iniziato diversi anni fa. Sto continuando con entrambi gli aspetti di questo progetto.
Cette vidéo provient d'une série de vidéos basées sur des images tournées en Corée du Sud. Une partie d'elle a été tournée à Séoul, une partie dans une zone semi-rurale de Yongin. Le chant était basé sur une série de chants que j'ai commencé il y a plusieurs années. Je poursuis avec les deux aspects de ce projet.
This video is from a series of videos that are based on footage I shot in South Korea. Some of it was shot in Seoul, some of it in a semi-rural area in Yongin. The singing was based on a series of chants that I started several years ago. I am continuing with both aspects of this project.

ChantWalk I

Questo video proviene da una serie di video basati su filmati che ho girato in Corea del sud. Alcuni sono stati girati a Seoul, alcuni in un'area semi-rurale di Yongin. Il canto era basato su una serie di canti che ho iniziato diversi anni fa. Sto continuando con entrambi gli aspetti di questo progetto.
Cette vidéo provient d'une série de vidéos basées sur des images tournées en Corée du Sud. Une partie d'elle a été tournée à Séoul, une partie dans une zone semi-rurale de Yongin. Le chant était basé sur une série de chants que j'ai commencé il y a plusieurs années. Je poursuis avec les deux aspects de ce projet.
This video is from a series of videos that are based on footage I shot in South Korea. Some of it was shot in Seoul, some of it in a semi-rural area in Yongin. The singing was based on a series of chants that I started several years ago. I am continuing with both aspects of this project.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tales of the Phone Centre: Making a "Happy Call"

Tales of the Phone Centre: Making a "Happy Call"

Full story here:

Drawing from "Last Question of the Evening"

Full story (with videostory links) here:

The Invention of a New Artistic Genre

The invention of the the author-made videostory:

This is a link to a short story that took me many years of shopping around before I got it published recently in the Danforth Review. In the interim, I made a video version of it. The video is far from perfect; however, all elements of it -- from the text, narration, music, to the art -- are made by one individual, so therefore this project qualifies as an authorial movie as I define the term. I hope I don't sound too show-boating in describing it this way; I realize the project isn't perfect. However, I think it stands as a form of genre creation. While there are many "short story movies", these are group projects -- in effect, forms of short film. And a lot of them are great. However, this particular project, "Last Question of the Evening", ranks as a different category of narrative form in the sense that, because it is entirely author-created, it resembles individually-created literature more than a group-created movie. As a result, for better or worse, its vision and aesthetic, is that of its maker.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Last Question of the Evening - a story and authorial movie

Last Question of the Evening

Full link:


Fade in.

An office comprised of cubicles, all of them lined in rows, as if the aisles of an airplane had been converted into office space. In each cubicle, a worker with a headset.

"They're all liars," a voice through one headset says.

The man conducting the interview, Anders, doesn't reply. He waits for the respondent to answer the question in the survey.

"Eh?" the respondent says, his voice charged with a coercive energy. "Whaddayou think?"

"A lot of people feel the same way you do, sir."

"That's right!" the man from rural Saskatchewan says. "They all go to Ottawa, they promise you the world, and then they do nothing."

Pause. Anders glances at the supervisors' station, eager to see if his call is being monitored. He can't make out the supervisors' screens.

"Sir, if you could please answer the questions as they're phrased, we'd get through this much faster."

Saying this is a mistake; not because the respondent is offended by Anders's chastisement, but because it suddenly makes him aware of how long he's been on the phone. "Good lord, mister! Lookit the time! We've been yammerin' for half an hour!"

"We're almost done," Anders lies.

"I can't be talkin' about all this sort of political nonsense for half an hour!"

"Please, sir. Would you just bear with me for another ten minutes?"

"Ten minutes?! Listen, I don't have ten minutes. I think I told you enough."

"Is there some time I could call you back at?"

"No. I'm real busy. I said enough. You just fill in the rest."

"I can't do that, sir." Now a note of pleading has entered Anders's voice. "I'll get through the rest of this really fast. If we don't finish it, then I'll have to throw the whole thing out."

"Am I gettin' paid for this?"


"Are you sendin' me money? I give you a lot of my time, I expect something in return."

"Sorry, sir, the company I work for hardly pays me anything, I don't think they'd be generous enough to start mailing cheques to all the people we interview."

This attempt to establish a sense of camaraderie falls flat. "I'm serious, mister. I gotta go," the man says.

The line is cut.

Anders lets out a deep sigh and swivels around in his chair. He first looks at the supervisors' station, then the clock. It's twenty to ten. An incredible exhaustion, mitigated by the proximity of quitting time, washes through him. He rubs his eyes and stands up.

Laura, one of the supervisors, casts him a condemning glance. Feeling guilty, then, an instant later, feeling with defensive pride that he does his fair share of work and deserves the occasional break, he walks over to the station.

"Cheques in?" he says. The question is virtually rhetorical.

Laura looks at him with her glassy, neutral eyes. "No," she says.

"They were supposed to be here at five," Anders says.

"Don't blame me. There was some screw-up with the payroll system."

"Yeah, well --." Anders bites his tongue. He simply says, "I need that money."

"You're not the only one." Laura smiles tightly. "They'll be in tomorrow."

"I'll be hungry tomorrow."

Perhaps Laura feels a touch of compassion for him. She regards him with full attentiveness. But then she says, "You should plan ahead."

Anders gives her a what's-that-supposed-to-mean? look, then turns away to make a trip to the washroom.

On the way back, he notices one the senior analysts behind the glass wall that separates the executive offices from the hall that leads to the teleresearch room where the interviewers work. The analyst is a bulky guy who's shaved his head bald and clearly works out. He has the aggressively friendly, somewhat sinister manner of a doorman at a night club. In front of him is a woman in a power suit.

Anders only glimpses all this as he walks down the hall.


Read the rest here:

Soirée coréen/ Korean evening - Yongin

"Talking with Rahim while packing"

D'un de mes romans illustres

From one of my illustrated novels

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

On "CanLit Accountable"

For those who follow writing in Canada (which effectively divides into two main groups of English and French, and also has groupings of Indigenous languages), there have been a series of scandals about several writers -- almost all of them male professors at creative writing programs.......

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

"With Demsky"

D'un de mes romans illustres

From one of my illustrated novels

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Happyland 1

Fatigue a myriad of dense hooks radiating from the earth's core;
setting sun a devilish egg – a bedevilled egg.
Sky's lurid, whorish hues --
cold, densely linked, chain mail against the flesh.
Notion of stomach as ditch, of head as bin --
crammed full with trash.
Pugnacity of light;
pug-nosed dogs of.

- Richard Harvor