Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Plastic Doesn't Forget

Basée sur une poème/ dessin fait plus d'il y a trente années

Based on a poem/artwork from over thirty years ago.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Minute Haiku: 영국/ Angleterre/ England




CanLIttle: On Creative Writing Programs and Mediocre Writing

In recent months, there has been a firestorm of controversy surrounding UBC Accountable, with prominent writers both for and against forming camps and arguing over the assaults allegedly committed by Steven Galloway. What is getting left out of this controversy is a serious, necessary debate about the function of the writing programs themselves. Are they really about producing great fiction? Or are they about something else?

Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday, February 11, 2018

전쟁을 멈추다/ остановить войну/ arrêter la guerre/ paren la guerra/ fermare la guerra/ stop war

전쟁을 멈추다

остановить войну

arrêter la guerre

paren la guerra

fermare la guerra

stop war

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Peace 14 -- 평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace

De ma série de poèmes vidéo sur la paix

From my series of authorial movies on peace

Monday, February 05, 2018

도착/ Arrivée/ Arrival

D'un de mes romans illustrés

From one of my illustrated novels

Saturday, February 03, 2018


"How to Love", by Gbenga Adesina

"Bury Me With My Files", Glen B. Rotchin

평화/ мир/ Paz/ Paix/ Peace

Motto: Pace sembra facile ma non lo è ....


Note processuali: la quarta ripresa di un altro progetto molto breve pensavo di finire in un'ora o giù di lì. Tutte le foto sono state scattate negli ultimi tre giorni, e il filmato dell'elicottero risale a circa una settimana. La musica è stata composta ieri sera; ultimamente ho provato a creare i miei loop personali, e quando trovo uno strumento virtuale mi piace tendo a continuare a fare delle variazioni con esso. In definitiva questo sarà probabilmente un film di poesia - ma per ora il testo dovrà aspettare.

Ottenere l'equilibrio tra immagini e quindi immagini e musica giusto è stato difficile. I cieli qui sono stati notevoli negli ultimi giorni; acquazzoni torrenziali seguiti da cielo molto azzurro con nubi cumuliformi gigantesche. Stavo per lasciare le immagini proprio così. Ma poi, perché ho premuto la tastiera un po 'più forte di quanto volessi mentre componevo la musica e ottenendo una nota un po' stonata, ho finito per decidere di aggiungere una breve clip di elicotteri in un cielo grigio e denso. Spero che questo passi il pezzo oltre il cliché di "tutta la cultura della pace" e aggiunga un necessario contrappeso (una coppia di grani di pepe) all'intero progetto, per quanto breve.

Devise: La paix a l'air facile mais ce n'est pas .... 
Notes de processus: La quatrième prise d'un autre projet très court que je pensais terminer dans une heure environ. Toutes les photos ont été prises au cours des trois derniers jours, et les images de l'hélicoptère remontent à une semaine ou deux. La musique a été composée hier soir; Dernièrement, j'ai expérimenté la création de mes propres boucles, et quand je trouve un instrument virtuel que j'aime, j'ai tendance à continuer à faire des variations avec lui. En fin de compte, ce sera probablement un film de poésie - mais pour le moment le texte devra attendre.
Il a été difficile de trouver l'équilibre entre les images, puis les images et la musique. Les cieux ici ont été remarquables ces derniers jours; averses torrentielles suivies de ciels très bleus avec des cumulus gargantuesques. J'allais laisser l'image juste comme ça. Mais ensuite, parce que j'ai appuyé sur le clavier un peu plus fort que je l'avais prévu en composant la musique et en obtenant une note quelque peu discordante, j'ai fini par décider d'ajouter un bref clip d'hélicoptères dans un épais ciel gris. Espérons que cela va au-delà du cliché de «toute la culture de la paix» et ajoute un contrepoids nécessaire (une paire de grains de poivre) à l'ensemble du projet, aussi brefment..


Motto: Peace looks easy but it's not.... *

Process notes : The fourth take of another very short project I thought I'd finish in an hour or so. All the photos have been taken in the past three days, and the copter footage goes back a week or so. The music was composed last night; lately I've been experimenting with creating my own loops, and when I find a virtual instrument I like I tend to keep doing variations with it. Ultimately this will likely be a poetry movie--but for now the text will have to wait.

Getting the balance between images, and then images and music, just right has been hard. The skies here have been remarkable the past few days; torrential downpours followed by very blue skies with gargantuan cumulus clouds. I was going to leave the imagery just like that. But then, because I pressed the keyboard a little harder than I intended while composing the music and getting a somewhat jarring note, I ended up deciding to add a brief clip of helicopters in thick grey skies. Hopefully this moves the piece beyond the cliché of "all peace culture " and adds a necessary counterbalance (a pair of peppercorns) to the whole project, brief as it is.


Thursday, February 01, 2018

걱정마!/ Не волнуйся!/ Μην ανησυχείτε!/ Ne t'en fais pas!/ Non preoccuparti!/ Worry Not!

걱정마!/ Не волнуйся!/ Μην ανησυχείτε!/ Ne t'en fais pas!/ Non preoccuparti!/ Worry Not!