Monday, September 28, 2020

How cheap is too cheap? / Quand est-ce qu’un camera pas cher pas de bonne qualité?

Shooting on a budget is a premium for many video artists. And there tends to be a mystification of more expensive cameras even though they do not necessarily deliver a better result than some budget cameras. But at what point is a cheap camera too cheap? 

Tourner sur un budget est une prime pour de nombreux artistes vidéo. Et il y a tendance à mystifier les caméras plus chères même si elles ne donnent pas nécessairement un meilleur résultat que certaines caméras à petit budget. Mais à quel moment un appareil photo bon marché est-il trop bon marché?

Project stills (“ Temple and City”)

Apropos of my post below on 8K video: these stills are from a project shot with considerably less sophisticated equipment (to see the video itself, go here: Obviously, this was not shot in 8K ... or anything close. But at what point is the slight blur of an image an advantage?

Does 8K matter?

As digital filmmaking moves in the direction of increasingly detailed imagery, one has to ask: at what point does the technology become redundant? 

Thursday, September 24, 2020


 The Pier, a poetry film by Pat Moran, at Moving Poems