Friday, April 30, 2021
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Monday, April 26, 2021
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Saturday, April 24, 2021
Naebang Station, Seoul/ 내방역 서울 — Sony a6400 camera test
#Sony_a6400 #Sony_a6400_video_test #50_mm_Sony_prime_lens
What kind of camera?
Any thoughts on what sort of camera (eg., mirrorless, etc.) was used to take this picture?
Quel espèce de caméra était utilisé pour prendre ce photo ?
Friday, April 23, 2021
Naebang Station, Seoul — Sony a6400
#Sony_a6400 #Sony_a6400_video_test #50_mm_Sony_prime_lens
Thursday, April 22, 2021
A great cafe in Seoul/ 산무퉁이 카페
#산무퉁이 카페 #SeoulCafe #Sanmotonggi #부암동
A brief personal video about a cafe in Seoul with a spectacular hilltop view of parts of the original city.
From my collection of ambient and authorial movies. My focus is on videopoetry; however, I work in other genres and art forms as well.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Seocheon, Seoul
A view from a residential neighborhood toward the mountains just behind the Presidential Palace, Chongwhadae.
Trees/ cameras/ YouTube
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Monday, April 19, 2021
Alex Good on Gerald F. Seib’s We Should Have Seen it Coming, and Trump’s exploitation of conservative paranoia about government, and his dismantling of traditional conservative decorum.
Trees and Climate Change in South Korea (4K)
# Trees #Trees_and_Climate_Change_in_South_Korea
The leaves are almost fully grown in some parts of Seoul -- it's a beautiful sight. But it's also a clear indication of the real-world impact that climate change is having on the seasons here in Korea. It is worth remembering that the Korean Peninsula is a temperate zone, with four distinct seasons including cold winters. But those seasons are changing on a fundamental level.
Shot in Soreapeul, April 18/21.
From my collection of ambient and authorial movies. My focus is on videopoetry; however, I work in other genres and art forms as well.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Saturday, April 17, 2021
Friday, April 16, 2021
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Sunday, April 11, 2021
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Friday, April 09, 2021
Three Tragedies trailer
Full movie at YouTube:
Thursday, April 08, 2021
Wednesday, April 07, 2021
Tuesday, April 06, 2021
Asian Cycles, parts one and two, clip
Full video at YouTube:
Monday, April 05, 2021
Sunday, April 04, 2021
SelfVideoSchool 1: Tripping with my Wife in Tokyo
This is the first video I posted on YouTube. It dates to September 2012. At that time, I was extremely green to making videos, and, well, it shows.
Saturday, April 03, 2021
The birth of a new art form: the authorial videostory, part one
There are several prestigious film festivals that screen videopoems — or, if you prefer, poetry films. Often, these are « author-created » works, meaning that the poet also directed the movie. There is a further specifying of form insofar as some poets create what I term authorial videopoems; that is, videopoems in which one person has created ALL elements of the movie (there is even a form that might fairly be termed the authorial 4MAP videopoem in which the filmmaker/poet works in at least four major art forms: for example, writing, drawing, singing, and directing — again, working by oneself).
Why, however, do we not have entirely author-made video short stories? They exist. I know that because I’ve been making them for years. The problem, in my opinion, lies more at the heart of institutional support. There are no film festivals for short stories that are literary works made (not adapted) as movies. This is particularly true with movies made by authors. Rather, the phrase « short story » is used by filmmakers to denote a dramatic short that, with its focus on character and story arc, has some resemblance to a traditional short story. But really, these are dramatic films based on acting; they are not short movies in which a story is told. They are not storytelling in a video form in which the storyteller is also the filmmaker.
I think it’s time to change that and consciously develop some new art forms that are simultaneously literary and filmic. Above is an early example of that. It’s entitled « Loveography: From Haemi Fortress. »
Il existe plusieurs festivals de films prestigieux qui projettent des vidéopoèmes - ou, si vous préférez, des films de poésie. Souvent, ce sont des œuvres «créées par l'auteur», c'est-à-dire que le poète a également réalisé le film. Il y a une autre spécification de la forme dans la mesure où certains poètes créent ce que j'appelle des vidéopoèmes d'auteur; c'est-à-dire des vidéopoèmes dans lesquels une personne a créé TOUS les éléments du film (il existe même une forme que l'on pourrait appeler le vidéopoème auteur 4MAP dans lequel le cinéaste / poète travaille sous au moins quatre formes d'art majeures: par exemple, l'écriture, dessiner, chanter et diriger - encore une fois, travailler par soi-même).
Pourquoi, cependant, n’avons-nous pas de nouvelles vidéos entièrement créées par des auteurs? Ils existent. Je le sais parce que je les fabrique depuis des années. Le problème, à mon avis, se situe davantage au cœur du soutien institutionnel. Il n'y a pas de festivals de films pour les nouvelles qui sont des œuvres littéraires réalisées (non adaptées) sous forme de films. Cela est particulièrement vrai avec les films réalisés par des auteurs. Au contraire, l'expression «histoire courte» est utilisée par les cinéastes pour désigner un court métrage dramatique qui, en mettant l'accent sur le personnage et l'arc de l'histoire, a une certaine ressemblance avec une histoire courte traditionnelle. Mais en réalité, ce sont des films dramatiques basés sur le jeu d'acteur; ce ne sont pas des courts métrages dans lesquels une histoire est racontée. Ils ne racontent pas des histoires sous forme de vidéo dans laquelle le conteur est aussi le cinéaste.
Je pense qu’il est temps de changer cela et de développer consciemment de nouvelles formes d’art à la fois littéraires et filmiques. Ci-dessus est un exemple précoce de cela. Il s’intitule «Loveography: From Haemi Fortress. »
Friday, April 02, 2021
Thursday, April 01, 2021
반포 고속터미날/ Banpo Express Bus Terminal, 1970s
(Photographer unidentified)
This photograph shows construction of the 반포 고속터미날/ Banpo Express Bus Terminal in the 1970s. (The Shinsegae Express Terminal, now next to it, followed much later.) Note the undeveloped fields around it. Not only are these fields now filled with apartment buildings, but many of them are now on their second (or even third) generation. The pace of development in Gangnam, Seoul has not just been staggering, it also raises environmental questions. Some initial thoughts here:
이 사진은 1970 년대 반포 고속 터미날 / 반포 고속 버스 터미널의 공사 모습입니다. (지금 바로 옆에있는 신세계 고속 터미널이 훨씬 늦게 뒤따 랐습니다.) 주변의 미개발 분야에 주목하십시오. 이 들판은 이제 아파트 건물로 가득 차있을뿐만 아니라 많은 사람들이 이제 2 세대 (또는 심지어 3 세대)에 있습니다. 서울 강남의 발전 속도는 놀라 울뿐만 아니라 환경 문제도 제기하고 있습니다. 여기에 몇 가지 초기 생각 :
Cette photographie montre la construction de la gare routière 반포 고속 터미날 / Banpo Express dans les années 1970. (Le terminal Shinsegae Express, maintenant à côté, a suivi beaucoup plus tard.) Notez les champs non développés autour de lui. Non seulement ces domaines sont maintenant remplis d'immeubles d'appartements, mais beaucoup d'entre eux en sont maintenant à leur deuxième (voire troisième) génération. Le rythme de développement à Gangnam, à Séoul, n'a pas seulement été stupéfiant, il soulève également des questions environnementales. Quelques premières réflexions ici: