Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Portrait of C (clip)

Full video at YouTube: https://youtu.be/EEFaphZ3DPk

Illustration de "Portrait de C"/ Stîll from "Portrait of C"

Illustration d'un projet récent basé sur l'écriture de mon frère et sur le sujet d'addiction.

Still from a recent project based on the writing of my brother and about addiction.

Full video at YouTube: https://youtu.be/EEFaphZ3DPk

Seoul & Silence

Voici est la première étape du projet vidéo que j'ai décrit autrefois ci-dessous. C'est une pièce sur la méditation avec la mémoire; la mémoire elle-même étant non précisée, mais la présence du silence (même dans une ville aussi immense que Séoul) conduisant à un état d'esprit subtilement altéré qui change le sens du temps.

Here is the first stage of the video project I describe below. It is a memory-meditation piece, the memory itself being unspecified but the presence of silence (even in a city as immense as Seoul) leading to a subtly altered state of mind that shifts time-sense.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

진실 마라톤/ Vérité Marathon/ Truth Marathon

Chaque dessin est d'un projet intitulé Vérité Marathon -- un espèce du roman illustré. Plus des examples de suivre.

Each drawing is from a project entitled Truth Marathon--a kind illustrated novel. More examples to follow.

Fascistii 1

절/ Temple/ Tempel

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

눈 세계/ Un monde de neige/ Snow World

옛날에/ Il y a longtemps/ The past - 2

옛날에/ Il y a longtemps/ The past

From left to right: my dad, paternal grandmother (in Norwegian, farmor), my brother Richard (who at that time we called Dickie ), my maternal grandmother (in Danish, mormor), my aunt Liv, my mom, and me.

De gauche à droite: mon père, grand-mère paternelle (en norvégien, farmor), mon frère Richard (que nous appelions alors Dickie), ma grand-mère maternelle (en danois, mormor), ma tante Liv, ma mère et moi.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

공사/ Construction

경기도의 공사/ La développement en Kyongii-do, Corée du Sud/ Development in Kyonggi-do

Quand les humains détruisent la natur/ The Destruction of Natural Spaces: Documentary on Over-development in South Korea

This is a movie I made a while ago with my wife and a university colleague, Yves Millet. It's a bit of a hybrid, as documentaries go, because instead of simply using the standard documentarian tone of omniscient knowledge, I wanted the movie to have a meditative quality. In this regard, it's intended as a form of counter-cinema.

C'est un film que j'ai fait il y a quelques années avec ma femme et un collègue universitaire, Yves Millet. C'est un peu un hybride, au comparaison aux documentaires typiques, parce que au lieu d'utiliser simplement le ton documentaire standard de la connaissance omniscient, je voulais que le film ait une qualité méditative. À cet égard, il s'agit d'une forme de contre-cinéma.


Alex Good on Lynn Coady's "Who Needs Books?"

Marc Eliot Stein on US politics now 

Zviane sur les événements marquants  du 2016

Stan Persky on the mania of the news cycle

내 동생이랑/ Avec mon frère/ With my brother

Friday, January 06, 2017

Factories 1


Regarding the authorial movie below: when I was working at The Picture Factory,  I also spent several months working part-time at a bookstore run by a charismatic alcoholic named Larry. The Picture Factory was on Front Street, the bookstore on Queen; I'd work 9 to 5 at the first, have a quick dinner, then run the cash at the bookstore. The second job was obviously way easier than the first --but one day I got fired by Larry. He'd told me to look out for shoplifters, and so one night I confronted a customer who was acting suspiciously. I insisted the customer come back to the bookstore and open his briefcase. I was polite but insistent. The customer, it turned out, hadn't stolen anything, but he was an urban professional and his pride was stung. He phoned Larry the next day, Larry took his side, and things turned sour. A few days later I told Larry I'd had enough of two jobs. Larry said, "So that's it, then?" He put down on my release papers that I'd been fired.

Factories 1